Anne-Sarah Le Meur


3D Projects

- Aform
- Horgest
- In-BeesTw...
- Into the Hollow of...
    Where It Wants To...

Photos from reality

- Home lights
- Asies
- Mytable
- To rise
- Weary

Articles (all languages)

- Articles
- Quotations - references

Biography - CV




Animation, 8 minutes, 1994, Marseille, sound track by Janvier Payrard.
Brouillard-Précis - ATI/Paris 8 University, software Anyflo (conception Michel Bret).

After the skin and the gesture, it seemed imperative to look at the body's capacity for transformation and evolution. In-Bees-Tw'... is an experimental film using wire-framed shapes (first visualisation of the 3D model), gradually evolving, on the creation / decreation of matter, on a possible proliferation. This work is at variance with the " Evolutionary " movement in 3D computer-generated image, and with the rationality, efficiency and determinism imposed by the programming process.

Video Excerpt. 15 secondes, 320x240 pixels.







L'accélérateur de création, 1994, Marseille, juxtaposition of an extract of In-Bees-Tw'... programm source to some prose on the way-of-life and the " way-of-sight " arround, with the computer.