Anne-Sarah Le Meur


3D Projects

- Aform
- Horgest
- In-BeesTw...
- Into the Hollow of...
    Where It Wants To...

Photos from reality

- Home lights
- Asies
- Mytable
- To rise
- Weary

Articles (all languages)

- Articles
- Quotations - references

Biography - CV


and Online References


All online interviews

DixVerts, texts by Elise Aspord and Loane Bouillet, Fanny Bauguil and Anne-Sarah Le Meur, in Turbulences Vidéo #119, digital bilingual Videoformes2023 catalog, Clermont-Ferrand (298 color pages), pp. 103 - 116, May 2023.

TV report on Videoformes2023 (at 16 min) with my interview on DixVerts (at18 min 20), FR3 Auvergne JT 19/20 on 17 March.

Interview and Video Portrait
by Gabriel Soucheyre, bilingual subtitled, 3 min 52, and Artist Portrait (several texts), in Turbulences Vidéo #118, Digital and Hybrid Arts, bilingual quaterly magazine, January 2023, pp. 76 - 100.

Anne-Sarah Le Meur. Peinture programmée, by Jean-Jacques Gay, Artension n° 175, September 2022, Paris.

L’Atelier des mémoires vives et imaginaires. Art, informatique et cybernétique.
by Etienne Hatt, Art Press, 1st October 2021.

Sin Limites, column for the 22e Edition du Festival des Cinémas Différents, by Borja Castillejo Calvo, in Mutaciones, online magazine, 21 October 2020. Laudatory passage translation by par Judit Naranjo Rib.

Galerie d'art et Covid : entre galère inédite et rebond inespéré, by Anne Lamotte, France Culture radio, 4', 7.25 AM, Thursday 24 September 2020. Short mention of my exhibition 'Lumière Limite' at Galerie Depardieu in Nice, then interviews of several galerists (among them Christian Depardieu).

Prismes, Goethe, réflexions contemporaines, Jean-Jacques Birgé's blog, 21 September 2020.

Anne-Sarah Le Meur déploie Omni-Vermille
, Philippe-Etienne Masséna, in ArtsHebdoMedia, 15 May 2020.

Omni-Vermille, vernie !, Jean-Jacques Birgé's blog, 12 March 2020.

Nombres écarlates d'Anne-Sarah Le Meur, Jean-Jacques Birgé, blog, 20 January 2020, passed in ArteFake, 11 February 2020.

Interview video, Nombres Ecarlates, Saison culturelle, Maisons-Laffitte, septembre 2019.

Melting Rust
, Jean-Jacques Birgé, blog, 4 octobre 2019.

Dominique Moulon, Plurality of Digital Practices
, in Art the the digital Age, 18 January 2019.

Marie-Laure Desjardins, De la fascination à la contemplation du rose, ArtsHebdoMedias, 9 January 2019.

Pauline Lisowski, "Rose Apothéose" : Trouble de la perception, in Inferno, 9 January 2019

Sébastien Bazou, Anne-Sarah Le Meur / Rose Apothéose, in Artefake, l'art de l'illusion, 20 November 2018.

Quoted in Digitalis, Agora 2018, 2nd International Digital Art Triennial, Szekszard, Hungary 2018, p. 88


Les lumières obscures d'Anne-Sarah Le Meur, words gathered by Anne Brandebourg (journalist and art historian), in Vallée de la Culture, Hauts-de-Seine Cultural Magazine, n°17, summer 2018, p. 24-27.

Une plongée séduisante dans l'abstraction en 3D
, by Alix Saint-Martin, Hauts-de-Seine department Magazine HDS Mag n°58, March-April 2018, p. 44-45.

Anne-Sarah Le Meur, Digital pioneer
, by Stéphanie Lemoinen in Journal des Arts · L'ŒIL, n°711, 1 April 2018.

NewsArtToday TV, Eric Patou, Video documentation on Immater exhibition, April 2016.

ArtsHebdoMedias, Samantha Deman, And Darness Becomes Refuge, February 2016.

ArtsHebdoMedias, Marie-Laure Desjardins, Red-funambulist, June 2014.

Quoted by Cécile Martin, « Screen Culture. Survey on Alternative Interactive Screen-Public Models », in « Expanded Cinema et art médiatique. Quelle politique du sensible ? », Symposium, Lyon 2 University, 2013.

Quoted by Alain Lioret et Pierre Berger, Generative Art. To play God. A Right ? A duty ?, 238 p, L’Harmattan, 2012.

ArtsHebdoMedias, Marie-Laure Desjardins, « L'intersection sensible » (the sensitive intersection), written interview in french, February 2012.

Beyond-Round, Interview in english
, Institute for Visual Media, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 2011.

Catherine Mason, Computer Art Image of the Month - July 2011.

Audrey Moutat. Marion Colas-Blaise and Anne Beyaert-Geslin (supervision), The Metamorphose Meaning, PULIM, 2009, 290 pages. New Semiotic Acts [ Online abstracts ].

Beyond-Round presented by Bruno Trentini, La distraction esthétique : l’enjeu d’un danger in "Le risque esthétique", Droit de Cité, n° 1, October 2009

Body, Numbers, Light: Colour Phenomena of Eye-Ocean, online gallery of Colour: Design & Creativity, issue 4, December 2009.
Colour: Design & Creativity - is the online journal from Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC), for the professional and academic colour and design community.

Sigolène Valax, Numbers, Abstraction, Sensuality. About Anne-Sarah Le Meur's Work, Eye-Ocean, in Siana, Iternational Week of Digital and Alternative Arts, "The Digital Technologies Imagination", 23 - 28 March 2009, Evry – France.
To be published

Weltbild, Kosmos, Bildwelten, 'Goldene Plotter - Computerkunst' Wettbewerb der Stadt Gladbeck, Deutschland, 2008.
World View-Kosmos-View Worlds, 'Goldene Plotter - Computer Art' Competition of the Gladbeck Museum, Germany, 2008, Exhibition Catalog, pages 54-55.

Digital Creation – Trends, Places, Artists, Musics & Digital Cultures >MCD<, M21 Editions, September 2008, 330 p.

Re-Imagining Animation, Paul Wells, Johnny Hardstaff, Darryl Clifton, AVA Academia, Septembre 2008, pages 8-9.

Oeil-océan, Month artwork, April 2008, Critical Observatory (see Archive, bottom of the page).

Patrick Burgaud, The Writing of an Electronic Artwork, an Author's Point of Vue (french pdf), 2007 (Festival d'e-poésie, 2007).

Digital Art(s), in Digital Creation /Pixel, nº 118, October 2006, Alain Lioret, Laetitia Sellam, Jef Tombeur, p. 34.

Viva Paci, in “Images from the Future: Lost and Found in the Images du Futur collection”, chapter “Sunless Images : 3D animation (1rst part)”, p8/11, Fondation Daniel Langlois, 2005

Pierre Bongiovanni, curator, artist
online interview in french, December 2005
Sklunk, number 2

Sandrine Maurial, theoretician, artist
" Anne-Sarah Le Meur's amorphes pixels "
in "A Luminous Alchimie : Pigment and Pixel Like Color Atoms ", p. 302-310
Ph.D. in Arts, defended in December 2005, Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3 University, 397 p.
English abstract in pdf

Melinda Rackham, artist, writer and curator,
« Wonderland - A Manifesto for 21st Century Immersive Works »
in Experimenta Vanishing Point, Mesh Issue #18, Australia, 2005, p.13-15.
« ISEA Nagoya: The delightful slowness of being »
Isea 2002, Japan

Edmond Couchot, Marie-Hélène Tramus, artists, theoreticians
« Gesto y calcul » / « Geste et calcul »
in Revista Educacion en Tecnologia, Vol No 1, Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia, I Semester, 1996.