Anne-Sarah Le Meur


3D Projects

- Aform
- Horgest
- In-BeesTw...
- Into the Hollow of...
    Where It Wants To...

Photos from reality

- Home lights
- Asies
- Mytable
- To rise
- Weary

Articles (all languages)

- Articles
- Quotations - references

Biography - CV


Into the Hollow of Darkness
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Interactive and immersive, real time 3D installation project, 2001 - 2012
Into the Hollow of Darkness is composed by several realisations :
- 1rst stage, animated textures before black light : Where It Wants To Appear/Suffer, 14 minutes, silence, 2001
- 2nd stage, black light without interactivity : Eye-Ocean, generative version, silence, 2004-2007
- 3rd stage, black light with interactivity : Beyond-Round. Lentir, sentir, sondre, 2008-2012, immersive interactive version
- Interludes, Performances, 2009-2011, performances arround 'greyings' and other tons.

Intentions :

Into the Hollow of Darkness aims at an experience in perception. In an enclosed field (which can be seen in an head-mounted display, a "cave", or panorama of screens), the viewer will be exposed to various sequences of images. The abstract moving forms --textured and evocative -- will be scarcely visible, because of their low luminosity, of their possible speed, or of their diverse positions in space. Perceptive habits will be destabilised.
The interaction does not consist of the power of manipulating the images. It consists, rather, of a sketch of relationships. It is the behaviour and the attention of the viewer which finally makes visible or invisible the phenomena, which then carry the viewer with them.
The idea is to make the viewer aware, firstly, of the ambivalence of perceptions, and of the sensations which may result from them, and, secondly, of the fragility of relationships, in a " temporality " of the perceptive contact.

Artistes in heritage : Beckett (Pour finir encore et autres foirades,
), Brakhage (Anticipation of the night), Len Lye (Free Radicals, Particles in space), Poe (Le puits et le pendule), Reinhardt (Black Paintings), Rothko, Sarraute (L'usage de la parole), Soulage, Turrell...

Related article, written at the middle of the project realisation (summer 2002), before the discovery of the black lights :
Into the Hollow of Darkness, Realising a 3D interactive environment, ISEA2002, Nagoya, Japon.
published in Leonardo, Vol. 37, n° 3, USA, 2004, p. 204-209, 215.

Team :

Gilles Baptest and Grégory Daniel, (June 2002 - summer 2003), trainees, students at EPITEC, construction of the working environment ;
Francis Bras
, Interface-Z (2001 - ) : running help, sensor device (3 prototypes);
Zandrine Chiri
, Interface-Z (2001 - ) : initial creation of the web site, 3D modelisation of the last wireless hermets (2011 - 2013) for prototyping.
Anthoni Schiochet
, trainee (May 2005 - September 2005 and May 2007), student in computer sciences, 4th year, Ecole Centrale d'Electronique, Paris : calibration programm for the camera and the screen ;
Didier Bouchon, Atelier d'Art 3000 - Le Cube (Automn 2003 - January 2006, 2007 - ) : supervision, tests, interaction parameters coding, panorama development, etc;
Anne-Sarah Le Meur, Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University, Fine Art Department : conception, project leader, test and image creation, research on interaction (basic rules, scenario, determination of central parameters, of thresholds) ; insertion in the generative version ; home and ZKM tests, website and communication, etc.

First step >>