Anne-Sarah Le Meur


3D Projects

- Aform
- Horgest
- In-BeesTw...
- Into the Hollow of...
    Where It Wants To...

Photos from reality

- Home lights
- Asies
- Mytable
- To rise
- Weary

Articles (all languages)

- Articles
- Quotations - references

Biography - CV


Into the Hollow of Darkness
<< ... >>


Where It Wants To Appear/Suffer

14 minutes, silent, 2001,
Animation, real time 3D record, CICV residency.
First stage of the panoramic virtual environment, Into the Hollow of Darkness

Excerpts, editing of archive tests, 4th session, CICV, summer 2001.
Archive 2001

Where It Wants To Appear/Suffer is a presentation of abstract phenomena. Simple surfaces meet. Their slow movements, their often fibrous textures, the chosen colors, the small amount of light that makes them appear… give the impression that different scales of representation are condensed : the three natural kingdoms (animal, vegetable and mineral), different environments (underwater or intra-body). Unexpected and unknown visual sensations are aroused more directly, in a strange intimacy, as if it would emanate from the origin.

Images realised in summer 2001

NB : The real time work (immediate display of the animated images on the screen) decreases time pressure and allows to develop slowness of movements. Furthermore, to conceive and watch fast movements on the screen all day long is painful, and fosters to slowdown.

Screenshots after video edition