Anne-Sarah Le Meur


3D Projects

- Aform
- Horgest
- In-BeesTw...
- Into the Hollow of...
    Where It Wants To...

Photos from reality

- Home lights
- Asies
- Mytable
- To rise
- Weary

Articles (all languages)

- Articles
- Quotations - references

Biography - CV




Born in 1968, Anne-Sarah Le Meur received her Ph.D. in “ Aesthetics, Science and Technology of Arts” (english abstract) in November 1999 from The Université Paris 8 Vincenne - Saint-Denis, directed by Edmond Couchot (Jury : Sally Jane Norman, Michel Bret, Edmond Couchot). Both her theoretical (Ph.D, articles) and practical research has dealt with the influence of 3D data processing on the imagination and shown in artworks. Her aim is to reveal how the expression of the body can be transformed. Her images and animations (Aforme : Some Skin Still Remains, Outgest, In-Bees-Tw'..., Where It Wants To Appear/Suffer) have been shown in France, Germany, England, Brazil, Hong-Kong, South Korea and Japan.
Since 2000, she has been working on real time 3D images for an interactive, immersive virtual environment work : Into the Hollow Of Darkness, based on the viewer’s desire to perceive. Since 2005, its visual part Eye-Ocean has been shown as a video projection, a mono screen presentation sometimes with a performance (Grey-Moire, Creased Stria, etc.). Its panoramic and interactive part, Beyond-Round, is now finshed (ZKM residency, 2006-2010), and has been exhibited in its evolving versions (some interactive works need to be exhibited to be finished) especially in ZKM (2011) (see Beyond-Round, main menu).

Her digital works have been realised with diverse versions of Michel Bret' software, Anyflo, developed at University Paris VIII, a very interesting tool for the programming artist that is looking for another conception of the 3D image. After having worked with WTK (World Tool Kit graphics library), Anne-Sarah Le Meur works now with OpenGL (C programming language).
She goes on writing and photographing.

Since 2012 AS Le Meur is represented by
Galerie Charlot (Paris - Tel Aviv), where prints and generative pieces are exhibited together.

Having taught for two years long (1995-1997) at the University Bauhaus-Weimar in Germany, she has been Assistant Professor and teacher-researcher for the Arts Department of Paris 1 University Pantheon-Sorbonne, Saint-Charles site since 2000.

Curriculum vitae in pdf


Galerie Charlot
47 rue Charlot
75003 Paris
+33 (0)1 42 76 02 67

ou aslemeur(@)